Doing my part to make the world a cleaner place.... or at least trying!


So, I've recently started recycling.

I always wanted to, but it's a much more difficult process when you live in a home with 4 other working adults who are barely home. Recently though, I've moved, and this has introduced several new routines to my life (as moving always does). Pleasant routines, I might add. One of which is recycling. Which, might I add, I think everyone should do.

I've recently stumbled upon a product that would also help our world become a much cleaner place. It’s not just plastic bags that are wasteful and bad for the environment. Over 15 billion batteries are made and thrown away each year – equivalent to a column of batteries to the moon and back, causing significant CO2/Resource waste in manufacture and toxic landfill.

Environment and Recycling FAQs

Is the product packaging recyclable?
The card is fully recyclable, and we are working to replace the blister plastic with a biodegradable material. We suggest that the packaging be kept for future reference – it’s also useful for storing USBCELLs when not in use, and for sending for recycling at the end of their useful life.
Are USBCELL batteries recyclable?
Yes. Besides being rechargeable and therefore re-usable, USBCELL is a Ni-MH chemistry battery that can and should be recycled. For more information on recycling see the Recycling section of the User Guide
How do I dispose of USBCELLs?
USBCELLs purchased from can be returned to Moixa Energy for recycling via a freepost address. See the Recycling section in the User Guide for details. USBCELLs should not be placed in the bin with other household waste or otherwise disposed of; they should always be recycled. Never dispose of USBCELLs in fire, as this will cause a hazard.
How environmentally friendly are USBCELLs?
We believe that using and recharging USBCELLs is significantly better than buying single use alkaline cells that are rubbish after only one use. Since USBCELL is so easy to charge it is also likely to be recharged many more times than regular rechargeables, further reducing wasteful battery disposal. The NiMH chemistry used in the cell is also better for the environment than other types of rechargeable batteries, in particular those with NiCad chemistry. It’s also inherently safer than lithium battery chemistry.

The USBcell is £10.99 (USD 20.51) for a 2 cell-pack of AA Batteries. I know, that seems a bit expensive, but if you think about the price of rechargeable batteries anyway, you're not paying much more really. Besides, isn't it worth it to know that you're thinking of our planet earth while powering all your toys, gizmos and gadgets? I think so. And since you've got all these toys, gizmos, and gadgets, why not power your batteries with your computer? We all have USB ports (yes, you have USB ports), so plug 'em up with batteries that can power everything else. Use what you've already got! If we'd have listened to the hippies back in the day we may not have a hole in our ozone layer (other results ensued however). So, do your part!

And, as I'm sure you noticed, as are most things... this wonderful invention hails from the Great Britain. [Check This!] Even more reason to make a purchase! So here's the site [].... now, what are you waiting on? Don't we all need batteries?


All the more reason to lavish love upon the UK!!!

5/31/07, 1:39 PM  

Those things are awesome. I might get some of those for the discman I got or whatever you call the portable mini CD player thing I have.

Mikey said...
5/31/07, 3:38 PM  


this is another cool thing you showed me.


5/31/07, 5:27 PM  

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