My "Particular Personal Vexation"


Pet peeve is the game. Interruption is the name., which I've come to rely on (particularly having such smart folks around me), defines a pet peeve as... Something about which one frequently complains; a particular personal vexation.

With that being said... I hate to be interrupted. This would be my primary pet peeve, I suppose. Again, I'll reference to define interruption:

  1. To break the continuity or uniformity of: Rain interrupted our baseball game.
  2. To hinder or stop the action or discourse of (someone) by breaking in on: The baby interrupted me while I was on the phone.

Now, I know, call me stupid, but the word interruption doesn't necessarily need defining you might say. This is true, however, I'd like to note that some people don't fully seem to understand the definition. To break the continuity or uniformity of, that means if I'm in the middle of a sentence and you begin to talk, you've then interrupted. This is where my frustration comes in mostly. It's the interruption of conversation or of a task I may be working on. This is something that the majority of people pay no attention to because, as my good friend would say, they're self-absorbed (which will be the subject of a post all to itself one day).

I get particularly frustrated when interrupted, mostly because if it's something I feel strongly about, then I likely have a hard enough time saying without having someone barge in and interrupt me mid-sentence. I feel like, if I'm gonna take the time to formulate the words, and come out with them, and think you care enough to listen, then you should.

The other way interruption exasperates me is what often happens when I'm at work. I realize that my main priority is to assist our patrons in their computer endeavors, and I'm okay with that. I like to help people. It's just that I also have other things that need done, and it can be very frustrating when you get into something just enough.... and then get interrupted to go and help someone. I usually feel bad about getting frustrated but, I have ADD, and once I get a steady-flow going on the task at hand... I'd like to keep it going. Oddly enough though, I've found that I can keep a steady IM conversation going, while working on the task at hand... am I good or what? I guess I'm just a h4xX0r*.

Anyway, just to specify, so I don't sound like a shrew, nothing in particular prompted the writing of this post. I couldn't decide what to write on and I thought that discussing my pet peeve's might be a good subject for discussion. So, what do you think? Think I'm a n00b? Think I'm a h4xX0R?



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