I made "poast"!


Not that I have any loyal fans or devoted readers but... if anyone is reading this you'll be happy to find that, as my friend Blake says, I made "poast"! I haven't for a little while for a couple of reasons...

  1. I've been real busy. No, really, I have. I'm teaching now if you didn't know, and that has put a little additional stress on me, on top of the already somewhat stressful atmosphere of my workplace anyway... and the lack of communication in the county as a whole, though that's a totally different story anyway.
  2. I've been a bit lazy about it. Seriously. I mean, I figure all of about 3 people read the incredibly interesting posts, or lack there-of, I post here and only about, eh, 1 one of them comment. This, I'll admit is a little discouraging, especially since I've shared it with friends who are a bit "out of touch" with me, generally speaking.
  3. Also, I've picked up a new video game that I subscribe to (sigh). Yes, I know, I like to play video games. But this means that I now pay $30/month. I repeat, $30/month to play video games. This is ridiculous. Sometime soon I must choose. I'm just afraid of which one will loose. The new game I've picked out, per the aforementioned Blake's suggestion, is EVE Online (www.eve-online.com). I had seen it before, and now that I understand it, it's great fun. DISCLAIMER: This game is incredibly addicting, as with most MMO's, however this game has a learning wall. Yes, wall, not curve, but wall. There are many, many websites with suggestions, tips, suggestions, techniques, and strategies. Seek them out. Don't say I didn't warn you.
So there ya' have it... I have posted for a while. So in accordance with reason numero dos, I'd like to see how many people would be interested in my continuance of this blog "poast"ing. Leave a comment.


Stress in the workplace...no it can't be. Tell me it is not true. LOL
You are a teacher who cares about their students. When you see the light come on and they get what you are teaching it is a wonderful feeling. You have given them knowledge they did not have before.

8/29/07, 11:35 PM  

I know exactly what you mean by number one. Somewhat stressful is you using a huge understatement. lol

Mikey said...
9/3/07, 11:28 PM  

I know what you mean about the feeling lazy too. It is discouraging to write things and have no one respond. /sigh

But what's this about stress at work? Where we work? NO! Never! Quick, don't stand too close to me or lightning will strike.

9/8/07, 5:48 PM  

Work stress? Nah, it's just an illusion. Hide in a corner and cry quietly until the feeling passes.

You're right - everyone loves comments. Heck, it's most of the reason we post in the first place. And I have Dragon*Con pics for you - hope you find them interesting/amusing. Talk with me!

9/13/07, 7:20 AM  

August 29th! You are an even more slack blogger than I am!

10/17/07, 7:51 AM  

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