Aug. 29!!! :: Update
So, I know I've been incredibly slack about posting... in fact, I considered canning the blog altogether, but then decided that I actually enjoy posting on here, regardless of readership.
According to Blogger, and far be it for me to say its wrong, I haven't posted since Aug. 29. I know, AUGUST 29!!! Well, in those couple of months.... life's happened. I know, you're surprised, but really... it has. I thought this first post back to blogging that I would mention a few things about what's been going on in life... and update if you will.
Hmmm.... since August 29 I have continued my adventures in Azeroth and abroad in the multiplayer online phenomenon World of Warcraft, though recently I haven't played nearly as much as in the past. I have been teaching 2 classes here at the institution in which I am employed, which has been incredibly exciting and stressful, generally speaking. My TV programs have begun to air again, and I've picked up a few new shows to watch. Currently I watch: Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, Heroes, Private Practice, and Grey's Anatomy (and on occasion Big Shots). I never really though I watched that much TV, and I suppose in the grand scheme of things I don't but...
I have found a tool that is quite wonderful for helping in my intense aversion for commercials and attempts to avoid them at all costs. This is actually why I don't just sit around watching television... I can't stand commercials, I feel it is a waste of my time and that the television companies (while I understand that commercials pay their bills) take advantage of me by requiring me to sit by the television waiting intently on the next few minutes of Heroes and having to suffer meantime by watching more and more commercials per volume than I had to watch last year. [My English isn't perfect and that was one hell of a run on sentence but plz don't correct me]
So back to the tool that helps me avoid the commercials...
If you know anything about downloading with Torrents then you'll love this application. If you don't know about torrents, let me know and I'll be glad to write something that will undoubtedly make you love them. Anyway, this application is called the Torrent Episode Downloader (TED for short). You enter the shows that you watch and it will automatically search Torrent databases for the requested show (every so often, and will even stop looking after it has downloaded that episode for the week if you set it up properly) and download it for you using your default Torrent application (I recommend µtorrent). You can read about and download TED by going here.More of the update...I've started playing a new game, recommended by Syrion, or rather a compilation of games. I bought the Orange Box, which includes Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode 2, Portal, and Team Fortress 2. Portal was fun, I enjoyed playing it and will likely go back and play it again pretty soon. Half-Life 2 is so far so good. I've almost finished it (but haven't started on either episode yet). I'd play Half-Life 2 more but... I'm addicted to Team Fortress 2. It's actually rather interesting that I find TF2 to be so dang awesome. I say this because ever since the days of Quake and Doom, I haven't really been into first person shooters (fps) very much. This game though, it's really the awesomest of awesomeness that could ever be awesome. Now that's a lot of awesome! I enjoy it so much, and it has very quickly become the easiest way for me to let off Steam (no pun intended) ever since I bought it. Thanks Syrion (or Yam, whatever you prefer to be called)! If you have steam and are also a lover of teh awesome of awesomeness, add me. My username is rainbowCipher.
As for Azeroth, it'll just have to wait until I quit pwning n00bs in TF2. Besides, I'm waiting on the next patch where lvling 10-60 will be WAY faster and therefore I can level some new characters and possibly get a new perspective on the game. I'm tired of being stressed out about a video game, for once... can't we all just pwn?
I use monikers warious. I've been using "Yam" for eight years or so...
Yam? Since when is Syrion called Yam? I thought he was Paisley.
So glad you posted again. I enjoy reading your blog and I live with you! :)
As for is an evil game. Can't say anything about the others though.