Going Green :: Junk Snail Mail


So I've decided on a few themes to concentrate on for the next few weeks of posting. The first theme is Going Green - tips, ideas, and strategies for being environmentally mindful. On with the show...

I don't know a single person that likes junk mail. And for once I'm not talking about the digital kind. I'm talking about the kind that clutters your analog mail-box everyday with coupons, fliers, and catalog's. I've noticed lately the mass quantities of junk mail not only gets delivered to my house, but also to neighbors, friends, and families houses. Did you know that some 4 million tons of paper junk mail gets delivered each year, and almost half of it is never even opened? For this reason and many others I'm sure we'd all like a way to at least reduce the amount of junk mail we get, right? Well look no further.

How to get rid of junk snail mail:
DISCLAIMER: This is not all of the possible steps you could take and I do not guarantee that you will be void of junk snail mail within any particular amount of time, but I can tell you that based on reviews and results, these methods work.

  1. Register your name and address with the Direct Marketers Association (DMA).
    It costs $1 but it's worth every penny. Think of all the trouble you're saving.
  2. Opt-out of all those pre-approved credit card offers (OptOut).
    Doing it online asts for 5 year's, and don't worry - you can always choose to opt back in should you want to. Choosing their snail mail option will opt you out for life for only the cost of a stamp.
  3. The last resource (and reason I categorize it under the "going green" label) is called Green Dimes. And because it's so cool I must tell you their slogan... "Our planet-do you give a dime?" For $15 this website will reduce your junk mail by 90% AND plant 10 tree's on your behalf. Here are a few facts from their website...
    1. 100 million trees are cut down each year to create the approximately 4.5 million tons of junk mail in the United States
    2. 28 billion gallons of water go into the production of American junk mail annually
    3. Your name is typically worth 3- 20 cents each time it is sold for a direct mailing
On average we will spend 8 months of our lives dealing with junk mail, why not take 20 minutes and get rid of it?

More Info:


Cool! I will have to look into those, especially the credit card thing! BTW the local recycling centers are having a mixed paper drive between now and December 31st. They'll take catalogs and all sorts of things, which explains the pile by the back door and in my office. Spread the word!

10/26/07, 9:21 PM  

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